Super Mamas Social
I love talking to moms about motherhood and all the joys and pains that come with it and as a result, I was excited to attend the first annual Super Mamas Social, which took place this past weekend. Super Mamas Social was founded by moms Paulina Velazquez and Bricia Maytorena. They started off with a podcast to provide a “judgement free space where new, experienced, and expecting mothers can come together to not only exchange knowledge but more importantly, provide support for one another during the emotional ups and downs of motherhood”. They have been very successful and had their first annual gathering this past weekend at the L.A. Plaza de Cultura y Arte in Downtown Los Angeles. (A huge thank you to Ruby, the founder of LA Mamacitas, from for introducing me to these incredible women!)
I had such a great time with other amazing mamas and, of course, Julianna also had a great time. I have met wonderful women since I became a mom; until you become a mom, someone can’t really understand how much your life changes. When I first became one, I realized one thing: I NEED other mom friends like myself!! I NEED other mamas to share the successes and downfalls that come with motherhood. It’s so refreshing to know that thousands of other women go through the same exact thing. We all worry, we all struggle, and we all make it happen in this crazy journey!
Below are some of the highlights of the day. I loved the decor and the feeling of freshness entering the event.
I loved the fabric that they used for shade…it was almost 100°!!!