Summer Family Party
After months of planning, our Summer Family Party on July 30 was a success!! Everything went better than expected and I know that all of the mamacitas that attended had a blast! Ruby and I put a lot of thought and love into this event and I know that it definitely showed thru all of the decor and details. None of this would have been possible without all of the support we received from family, friends, and vendors as well and my amazing partner, Ruby, From meeting almost daily to late-night and super early-morning texts/phone calls. We had an amazing team of volunteers helping us, from checking-in families to capturing smiles on our social media….everybody had a great time.
The Summer Family Party was held The Great Escape Club in Atwater Village – they were amazing hosts! They have the cutest indoor playground and such a cute outdoor area and this was the reason why Ruby and I decided to contact them about hosting our event. They are always hosting fun events, and they have daily play passes whether you want to go play for a few hours or if you want to host your party at the location – they are able to accommodate you. They were awesome hosts and I know every Mamacita loved the playspace.
My favorite part of the evening was seeing all of the mamacitas that attended with their families. It was so nice seeing familiar faces as well as new ones! I love meeting new people and from the bottom of my heart…I thank you mamacitas for continuing to be a part of this journey.
A HUGE! special thank you to all of the vendors that participated. You guys are the best and I wish you and your business nothing but success! One of the fundamental core values of LA Mamacitas is to support small businesses and these entrepreneurs know all about true hustle. Thank you to Cool+Cat Jewelry, Carri Eight, Trendy Little Sweethearts, and Crafts Gold for selling your amazing products.
Thank you to Faith and Light Photography for taking time out of your day to shoot our event.
Head over to L.A Mamacita blog for more fun highlights on the Summer Family Party and we’ll see you at the next event!