Seattle/ Vancouver Trip with a Toddler

The thought of having to travel with Julianna honestly scares the crap out of me. To have to carry so many things: a stroller, her luggage, the backpack she insists on carrying and later asking me to carry, all while trying our best to keep our little human in a good mood at all costs. This trip was not perfect, but it was as perfect as it could be with a toddler. We had the best time and I would do it all over again. A special thank you to our friends is in order for being the best people to travel with and for the patience and love you showed to Julianna.

We went to Seattle and Vancouver last year- and we had a blast but didn’t enjoy Vancouver as much as I would’ve wanted to since we only went for the day. This time around, we stayed in Seattle for two nights and then drove up north to stay in Vancouver for two nights. The scenery in the Pacific Northwest is absolutely beautiful – there is so much green and so much clean air!  It was very interesting to relive moments with Julianna now that she is a year older.  Last year, we stopped at a rest area near the US-Canada border and blew dandelions with Julianna.  This time around we did the same thing and it felt amazing to share that moment with her once again. We definitely got the most out of our time there. A huge thank you to my husband, Carl, for always putting together an amazing itinerary.  If you are considering visiting the Pacific Northwest, I totally recommend you do both Seattle and Vancouver. They are so close to each other and you won’t regret it. You get more of the city vibe in Seattle and your nature fix in Vancouver. They are both very beautiful – you can’t compare.

Building these memories with my family and traveling makes all of the hard work worth it. Carl and I love to travel and when all 3 of us are able to enjoy, it makes it that much special and magical.

Below are a few of our highlights from our trip along with the itinerary. Let me know if you ever make a trip out to Seattle or Vancouver!!


Hello! I am Janet. I love connecting with people through all things creative. I hope to hear from you. xo
