My Mother’s Day

I am blessed to have been able to carry a baby. I am blessed because I gave birth to a healthy baby. I am blessed because this beautiful baby girl has been the most amazing and gorgeous thing I have ever laid my eyes on. Julianna is my world. I am nothing without her and I don’t even remember life without her. All I know is her.  Julianna and Carl, in my world, complete it. This little girl keep me crazy and sane all at the same time. She’s the one that causes my worries, my cries, my smiles, my joys. All of these emotions, bundled into one, come out because of her. Without her, I am not able to celebrate this day. She is the reason for it all. She is the reason why my heart has grown even more. She is the reason why my life has more meaning.

My Mother’s Day was incredible. Filled with family and love. My mother and I are extremely close. We talk every day- whether it be through a phone call or text, I always hear from my beautiful mama. We have such a close relationship and I hope Julianna and I will have a close bond like that. I always picture how things would be with Julianna once she’s older: I want us to be best friends. I want us to share everything with each other. I can’t wait to have so much fun with my princess for the years to come. I hope all of you had a blessed Mother’s Day with your families.

XO, Jan


Hello! I am Janet. I love connecting with people through all things creative. I hope to hear from you. xo
