Conquering a Disney Trip SOLO with your Child
We love going to Disneyland, and we go a lot! Haha… It is my favorite thing to do with Julianna. I love seeing her run around, seeing her smile, seeing her scream in excitement…it is the best feeling seeing her have the best time. It is the kind of feeling that almost makes you want to cry of the sight of your child having such an amazing time, that you even have butterflies in your stomach. That is what Disneyland does to me (I know, deep, right? lol) With all that being said, a trip to Disneyland is not easy. I have done several trips with Julianna all by myself, and it is a struggle from juggling a stroller, a diaper bag, going on the trams, and oh, right?! your kid…
During my first solo trip, I felt like I was about ready for a nap as soon as I walked inside the park. I didn’t anticipate how much work it would be being alone with a toddler. I know there are a lot of moms that are not willing to go to Disneyland by themselves, but fear not! I have learned a couple of things and this is the best list I can come up with. I hope this helps you for your next solo trip!
The kind of stroller you have does matter. When you are with someone else, it is so easy to gather all your things and go. Your SO (significant other) or a friend can handle diaper bags and fold the stroller while you hold your toddler. When you are by yourself, it is a completely different scenario. Some strollers can be heavy…I would completely recommend you get a light stroller that is extremely easy to fold so you are able to go in the tram faster. If your stroller is heavier and harder to maneuver around, I recommend you get in the line where you don’t have to fold your stroller. I am not a fan of that line. I went on there for the first time last week because, for the life of me, I couldn’t remember how to fold my stupid stroller (I know, sad moment). I had to wait for four trams to finally be able to get on!! Four. I was annoyed and tired.
Don’t take your stroller everywhere you go. Most of my time on these trips, you won’t even see my stroller. I always leave it parked because I know Julianna is not going to want to be on it, and why fight a toddler, right? As soon as I get there, I park the stroller at a stroller-friendly attraction and go running away with my girl. I feel like nothing ever bad happens at Disneyland, therefore, no one will ever steal what is in there, lol. I do take my diaper bag with me everywhere though. I only go get the stroller when I know Julianna wants to take her nap.
Take toys and stickers. Julianna is obsessed with Disney princess figurines and she plays with them all the time. I only take about 3 or 4 of them with me. I take them out when we are waiting for a show or when I sit down to eat; it keeps her distracted for a bit. Stickers are also a great distraction while you want some downtime or want to grab a bite.
Take plenty of snacks. Kids sometimes want to eat all the time. I take as many snacks as I can such as grapes (her favorite), veggie chips, goldfish, cheerios, etc. Make the snacks easy and avoid any potential mess or stickiness. I also take the most convenient sippy cups and bottles. Unfortunately, she still drinks off a bottle (don’t judge me) So I make sure to take a sippy cup and about two bottles. one for water, one for juice or milk.
Make dining reservations, and I just don’t mean for table-service restaurants. If you want to eat good at a restaurant, make sure you make reservations. During one of my recent trips, I was starving and was craving Sourdough Bacon-Cheese Melt from the Carnation Cafe (my favorite place right now – if you ever go, please order it. You’ll thank me later). I walked inside and it was an hour wait!! I was so bummed and ended up eating… I don’t remember what I ate, so you can imagine my disappointment. You can make reservations to almost any restaurant; your already spending time in line waiting for attractions – why wait for lunch too?
Take extra clothing. This is a given, but I would recommend you take no less than 2 clean outfits along with socks. You just never know what kind of mess kids can get themselves into. During a recent trip, it started raining and we were not expecting it. Julianna’s sock got soaked! Did I have extra socks? Of course not. haha
Take plenty of water for yourself and your little one. Julianna seems to be thirsty all the time as she is always asking for water. It is way cheaper to take your own unopened bottle; I recently saw a couple with an unopened water bottle that they tried to sneak by security..long story short, they were sneaking in vodka instead of water. They will trash your opened water bottle. Another tip: a lot of vendors will give you free ice water if you ask, but don’t count on that. Once your kids starts asking for water you better come out with it quick.
Use the nursery. Disneyland has the best nursery. They have everything you could possibly need. From formula, wipes, changing table, little toilets, a microwave, they have it all! I have made several trips here – even to nurse Julianna when she was younger. The nursery is located at the end of Main Street to the left of the Plaza Inn. One more tip: they do not take credit cards.
Pack your diaper bag smart. Only take what you need and don’t over pack. Remember you are alone, and you shouldn’t have to take out everything that is in there just to find the wipes. I recommend you put clean clothes in the bottom (you won’t need this unless emergency). I also take a small blanket to lay Julianna on to change her diapers. Diapers and wipes on top along with sippy cups and bottles. Snacks should be on the very top. Also, get a diaper that is accessible and easy to work with.
This should be a given, but get there early!!! I have accomplished a lot more in two hours at opening versus several hours in the evening. The trip will be a lot more enjoyable for you and your child.
Do not be afraid to ask for help. On my first trip, I was too shy to ask for help. Now, I ask someone to please open the door if I need to, or help with the stroller. People are always willing to help. It’s Disneyland after all….the happiest place on earth.
Enjoy yourself and indulge in the food!!!! Please, please eat mickey-shaped beignets dusted with powdered sugar. I try to always go for that….SO.GOOD. My husbands favorite are the churros and frozen bananas, but I can live without that, hehe. Here is a list of our favorites at each restaurant: Sourdough Bacon-Cheese Melt at the Carnation Cafe, Gumbo or the Monte Cristo Sandwich at Cafe Orleans, the Jolly Holiday Combo (toasted cheese sandwich with tomato basil soup) at the Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe (they have amazing pastries here), Mickey beignets at the Mint Julep Bar, and the Bacon Street Dog at Award Wieners inside California Adventure.
Don’t forget that you are ultimately there for your child. Live in the moment, trips might not always go as planned, but in your child’s eyes, it will always be the best trip yet!!
XO, Jan
Here are a few pictures from our last Disney Trip! 🙂