Daddy’s Home 2: Christmas Party

“Daddy’s Home 2” follows the story of a father and stepfather duo, Dusty and Brad, as they join forces to make the holiday season perfect for their children.  Since this movie is all about the dads, we invited all our husbands/dads (aka LA Papacitos) to the event. Sugar Craft L.A helped us by hosting a cookie-decorating class and having all the dads decorate the cookies with their kids. It was very heart-warming to see fathers help and design their own cookies – you can see each child grinning with happiness. Each family decorated their cookies, and they were put in a cute bag to take home with them.


“Daddy’s Home 2” comes to theaters this Friday, November 10th and it’s a movie I am sure the whole family will enjoy!


Hello! I am Janet. I love connecting with people through all things creative. I hope to hear from you. xo
